Cause and Effect at Kids Help Phone


“I grew up being abused – physically, sexually, mentally. Like a lot of boys, I didn’t know how to ask for help. I kept things compartmentalized and cramped down. I’d have nightmares as my brain tried to cope with what was happening. . . .”

I tell Aidan’s story as part of the 2014-15 impact report written for Kids Help Phone, Canada’s only 24/7 counselling and information service for young people. As a charity with no government funding, Kids Help Phone depends entirely on the kindness of strangers, and friends, for the money, volunteers and expertise to carry out its mission, reaching kids in trouble through its phone line and, increasingly, the Internet, with its popular Live Chat service.

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Quality Not Price




Earlier this year I did a small website job for a Newmarket construction company, Reno Industries. In the booming housing market, Reno has no shortage of business, so positions itself for its quality, as opposed to price. The site, designed by Michael Trapani of Incube8, focuses on how the company brings together a group of not just licensed tradesmen but “likeminded craftsmen,” including a master painter and decorator from Italy, who, like Michelangelo, has done some of his most stunning work in churches.